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OFland (2022)

Artistic design of a temporary DIY skate park in Offenach am Main / together with Florian Lübke and Concrete Skate e.V.

untitled (2022)

Video installation based on can piercing (with the participation of Lukas Magnin)

Can stabbing
Can stabbing
Video installation

Walldorf Jam (since 2015)

In the context of the Walldorf Jam, I bring artists from different places in Germany together in order to jointly design areas in public space in a coordinated manner. The Walldorf Jam takes place once a year in changing public places. As the artistic director of the event, I also organize a program of (live) music, workshops, cuisine and sports, depending on local conditions. The goals of the event are, among other things, to help shape public space, to promote dialogue between the cultural scene and citizens, and to create alternative cultural offers for citizens and, above all, children and young people.

Upcoming projects

​ 2021/22: "Hanau is everywhere". Order design. Integration office Mörfelden-Walldorf

Past projects

09/21: "Unheard and ignored? Make it visible!" Political art workshop with an exhibition on the federal election in 2021. Museum Walldorf and Integration Office Mörfelden-Walldorf

08/21: "Karma", Live Painting @ Lindenfels Festival,

08/21: "Error in the system" | Make visible, Live Painting @ Sommerwerft, Frankfurt am Main

03/21: ELL music video trilogy, artistic contribution to the trailer

03/21: H3P Mainzilla music video, artistic contribution

08/20: Live Painting @ Open AteliAir, Atelier Frankfurt

08/20: "Queer Diversity" , order design and workshop with exhibition for integration office Mörfelden-Walldorf

09/20: Jam, Babenhausen

07/20: Lincoln Jam, Darmstadt and Hafen Jam, Raunheim

05/20: May Jam, Kassel

07/16: Live Painting @ Flörsheim Open Air

09/15: "Gray becomes colorful" , design of multifunctional housing, Deutsche Telekom

07/15: Live Painting @ Flörsheim Open Air

15-20: Walldorf Jam, Mörfelden-Walldorf

15-19: Member of the Bad Breath artist collective

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