Past workshops, selection (focus / client, location)
02/24: Basics and wall design (stylewriting) / Karl-Treutel-Schule, Kelsterbach
12/23: Basics and cooperative wall design as team building / Part PD GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
11/23: Individual design of canvases / Queeres Zentrum, vielbunt e.V., Darmstadt
11/23: Cumulative design of canvases with individual motifs / Open Studios/Atelierfrankfurt, Frankfurt
09/23: Drawing and typographical basics of graffiti and implementation on the wall using spray cans (Teambuilding; held in English) / Merz Aesthetics GmbH, Frankfurt
09/23: Cooperative wall design on the topic "versatile, cosmopolitan, human" / Internationaler Bund, Erasmus-Gymnasium Viersen
08/23: Cooperative design of a bridgehead with free motifs / Kommunale Jugendarbeit GG, Groß Gerau
07/23: Individual and cooperative design of wooden walls on the theme of "Kronberg Street Life", youth coordination of the city of Kronberg, Kronberg
07/23: Inclusive workshop with cooperative design of two walls on the theme of "Sport and movement" / Marienschule and Kultinklusive, Offenbach
07/23: Experimental design of canvases with exhibition / Kreisjugendpflege Groß Gerau, Bischofsheim
07/23: Redesign of a railroad station underpass with free motifs in cooperation with the art classes of the Kurt-Schumacher-Schule / City of Karben, Karben
06/23: Cooperative design of a wall / Litcam GmbH, Theobald-Ziegler-Schule, Frankfurt
06/23: Cooperative design of a wall (teambuilding, held in English) / Merck KGaA, Frankfurt
06/23: Cooperative design of a wall / Litcam GmbH, Goetheschule, Rüsselsheim
05/23: Open workshop with additive-cooperative design of a canvas / Heartbeat Edutainment, Hambacher Schloss, Neustadt
05/23: Individual design of canvases / Litcam GmbH, Günderrode School, Frankfurt
04/23: Cooperative design of an underpass with free motifs / City of Gernsheim, Klein-Rohrheim
04/23: Cooperative design of a wall surface with local motifs / Kreisjugendpflege Groß-Gerau, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg
04/23: Cooperative design of a mural on the theme of "Culture" / City of Neu-Isenburg
01/23: Cooperative design of canvases / Zühlke Engineering GmbH, Eschborn
12/22: Design of smaller painting surfaces as part of the Löwenstark program / Litcam GmbH, Michael-Grzimek-Schule, Frankfurt am Main
12/22: Thematic design of a wall surface / Extended school supervision at Kalbach elementary school, Frankfurt am Main
11/22: Cooperative design of a wall surface / Municipal youth development center Groß Gerau, Stockstadt am Rhein
11/22: Cooperative design of a wall surface / Groß Gerau municipal youth development program, Groß Gerau
10/22: Cooperative design of a façade / Kommunale Jugendförderung Groß Gerau, Wallerstädten
10/22: Cooperative design of a façade and design of stage sets on the subject of "Street" / Kult Inklusive, Rodgau
09/22: Open workshop as part of the Open Marktplatz Games - Graffiti basics / Kommunale Jugendförderung Groß-Gerau, Groß-Gerau
09/22: Drawing and typographical basics of graffiti and implementation on the wall using spray cans (Teambuilding; held in English) / Merz Aesthetics GmbH, Frankfurt
08/22: Introduction to style writing and the basics of graffiti as well as cooperative design of a pedestrian underpass / Jugendpflege Gernsheim, Klein-Rohrheim
08/22: Introduction to the basics of graffiti and cooperative redesign of containers on the topic of "Diversity and living together" / Jugendhaus Dudenhofen, Rodgau
07/22: Cooperative facade design of the sports hall under the motto "School - yesterday, today, tomorrow" / Heinrich-von-Kleist-Schule, Eschborn
07/22: Spray Lab (experimental paint application) and stencil graffiti on textiles / Youth Coordination of the City of Kronberg, Kronberg im Taunus
06/22: Graffiti basics and cooperative design of a wall surface / Trebur child and youth development center, Trebur-Astheim
05/22: Cooperative design of an underpass / youth coordination of the city of Kronberg, Oberhöchstadt
04-07/22: Graffiti basics workshops as part of the Löwenstark program / Dahlmannschule, Niddaschule, Berthold-Otto-Schule, Frankfurt, Anne-Frank-Schule, Raunheim
04/22: Cooperative design of a courtyard entrance on the theme "Everyone is welcome here" / KJK Sandgasse, Offenbach
10/21: Cooperative design of a garage under the mottos "Yes Women Can" and "Preserving Creation" / Marienschule Offenbach
09/21: "Unheard and unnoticed? Make it visible!" Political art workshop with exhibition on the 2021 Bundestag elections, Walldorf Museums and Mörfelden-Walldorf Integration Office
07/21: Cooperative design of an exterior façade on the theme of "Participation and diversity" with children and young people with and without disabilities / KultInklusive Gemeinsam mit Behinderten e.V.
10/20: Cooperative design of a transformer house on the topic of "Energy" / Kult Inklusive and Energienetze Offenbach
10/20: Drawing and typographic basics of graffiti and implementation on a wall using spray cans / JuKuZ Mörfelden
09/20: Individual and cooperative design of canvases (across all years) on the topic of "Queer Diversity" with exhibition of the works / Integrationsbüro Mörfelden-Walldorf
05/20: "Analogital" graffiti basics for beginners; Corona ordinance-compliant teaching of drawing basics via Zoom and practical implementation on walls in individual lessons / Mörfelden-Walldorf youth development office
03/20: Graffiti basics and cooperative design of canvases for beginners. Private (children's birthday party)
07/19: Conceptual and cooperative mural design with advanced students / Jugendförderung Mörfelden-Walldorf